Coming to Terms

Coming to Terms is my first novel and one of my greatest accomplishments to date. It is a coming of age tale about a young man named Justice Rae and the struggle with his sexuality and self-esteem. It isn’t an autobiography but I will admit that there are pieces of me within the character Justice. Aside from that, I would like to think that any homosexual adolescent will see themselves in the character and be able to relate to him and his struggle.
What prompted me to write this book is the fact that there weren’t/aren’t any books pertaining to this particular topic. (Or that I am aware of). All books that I have encountered have either been targeted to adult homosexual males and their relationship or adult black gay men not accepting their sexuality. Though they were good to read none of those books truly spoke to me.
I remember reading On The Down Low by J.L. King in High School realizing that ‘this isn’t me. I’ve always accepted my sexuality.’ And I think that was the turning point for me and my writing. I always knew that I wanted to be an author, I felt that I could write any and everything that there is to be written but I finally had a target audience that I could cater too. I wanted to write a novel that related to adolescents between the ages of thirteen and seventeen. Something they could read and know that they weren’t in this alone because personally, I didn’t have anything to relate to as I dealt with my sexuality.
Coming to Terms began on one lazy summer afternoon when I was bored at home with nothing to do but write. I wanted to write a love story showcasing the unity between two males but it quickly transformed into something more. I’ve always had a strong compassion towards young adult literature so I figured why not write something that could encompass multi genres as well as relate to readers coming into their sexuality along with those who at one time struggled with theirs.
Though the protagonist is a homosexual, as a reader you don’t have to be in order to read and enjoy his journey. Coming to Terms also deals with the dynamics of family, exploring how one's sexuality impacts those around him or her, as well as how the views of individuals can hurt and influence a closeted homosexual.
There are three important things that I  want each reader to take away from Coming to Terms . First is that love is genderless and colorless and that the heart wants what the heart wants, also readers must realize that some no matter how bad we may want certain things, there are just things that aren’t meant for us to have, and finally through finding love is important self-love is the most important love anyone can find.
I self-published Coming to Terms through so everything, the good and the bad, falls on me. It has been an amazing journey and it’s not even close to being over. I accept all feedback and criticism, no matter how good or bad, because at the end of the day it will only make me a better and stronger writer.
Coming to Terms is available at in paperback and on amazon kindle.