The CW network recently released the sizzle trailer for the upcoming season of its superhero shows adopted from DC comics. Dubbed the “Arrowverse” after its flagship series Arrow premiered in 2012 and successfully opened the door for spin-off shows such as The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Black Lightning, and Batwoman. For years the series remained the anchor of the network but with the release of the newest trailer, the network has implied it wants to move away from the name since Arrow has ended its 8 season run.
It is slightly understandable that the network would want to look to the bright future of the returning and new series the network offers (looking at you Superman and Lois), however, the legacy that is Arrow doesn’t have to be erased to accomplish this, especially after the years of waiting fans endured just for the characters to exist in one collective universe. Between the shutdown of filming for shows last season due to COVID-19 concerns and the forced rework to shows such as Flash and Batwoman, one would think the network would want to keep things as normal as possible for faithful fans. However, changes such as these could be the catalyst for the network ready to embrace change.
While acknowledging the impact of Arrow as the springboard for the world of superheroes the trailer wraps with a reminder that the network is slowing down anytime soon. Which do you prefer CWverse or Arrowverse?