Black Lightning, the CW's latest superhero feature and first featuring an African American as the lead, has impressed fans and critics alike since its premiere and will officially return for a second season October 9th on the CW. While it was previously stated that Black Lightning isn't set in the primary Arrowverse, thanks to its filming in Atlanta instead of Vancouver like the other shows, however with the name dropping of heroes like Supergirl and Vixen, fans were teased early on and at least given an idea of at least what Earth the series takes place on. Now thanks to the upcoming crossover event we can expect the Black Lightning cast to finally be integrated into the full Arrowverse, along with the introduction of Batwoman.

Probably the most expected, and anticipated, addition fans want to see and who can effectively expand the universe is Static. When news of a new CW potential first emerged many hoped it would be Static as the titular hero, however, there's no reason the two can't share the screen together. Hosting the same powers of Black Lightning, it would be interesting to see the two team up, with Static as a potential protege.
2. Bumblebee (Karen Beecher)
After successfully navigating Thunder's origin and highlighting her growth as a hero, season two has the potential to add more female heroes to an over much-lagging roster. Bumblebee would be a perfect addition to the series, as she would not only easily fits in the same age group as Lightning's daughters but also would be a brilliant creative addition thanks to her shrinking capabilities and scientific intelligence. While a perfect fit for the series, between the upcoming live-action Teen Titans and the Hasbro lawsuit, chances of seeing the heroine on screen, remains minimal.
3. Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm)
Even if Aquaman is off limits for television hopefully referencing Atlantis, even if only in name, is a great way for the series to set up an Aqualad appearance. Like Bumblebee and Static he fits the age group for rising heroes appropriate for the show, but like Bumblebee Aqualad too may be under restriction for use in Teen Titans.
After successfully navigating Thunder's origin and highlighting her growth as a hero, season two has the potential to add more female heroes to an over much-lagging roster. Bumblebee would be a perfect addition to the series, as she would not only easily fits in the same age group as Lightning's daughters but also would be a brilliant creative addition thanks to her shrinking capabilities and scientific intelligence. While a perfect fit for the series, between the upcoming live-action Teen Titans and the Hasbro lawsuit, chances of seeing the heroine on screen, remains minimal.
3. Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm)
Even if Aquaman is off limits for television hopefully referencing Atlantis, even if only in name, is a great way for the series to set up an Aqualad appearance. Like Bumblebee and Static he fits the age group for rising heroes appropriate for the show, but like Bumblebee Aqualad too may be under restriction for use in Teen Titans.
4. Batwing (Luke Fox)
A member of the Bat-family who has yet to receive any mainstream attention, it's because of this that Batwing can be a great addition to extend the Black Lightning universe. Even if Batman remains off limits, given the time frame of the universe using Luke also fits the age group for the series exploring young heroes.
5. Batman (Bruce Wayne)
Two longtime comic collaborators, while none of the Arrowverse series have yet to be able to feature the dark knight, the surprising Supergirl name drop in Black Lightning opened it to the realm of possibilities. Due to Arrow writers blurring the lines between the show and Batman, featuring the hero on another earth is the easiest and safest route for sake of continuity. Batman would easily fit into the more grounded reality of Black Lightning as compared to shows like Flash and Supergirl.

While the history involving both Black Lightning and Vulcan is slightly convoluted, as the latter essentially would not exist without the former. Thanks to a dispute between Black Lightning's creator and DC, the character was not authorized to be used for the DC comic inspired animated series The All New Superfriends. Because of this, and the need for a Black character led to the "creation" of Vulcan exclusively for the series. While I see this being played on a more comedic note, and is a biggest long shot of them all, seeing the two onscreen together would be priceless.
Although Black Lightning has only begun to test the waters of delving into its own mythos adding in a few more dynamic characters won't hurt, and with the big crossover event coming this fall, there's no telling what the writes may have in store for viewers. Hopefully, as the series continues fans will get to see the Black Lightning universe expand to begin introducing new heroes to share the screen with. Whether it's for short-term story arcs or laying the groundwork for future series or appearances, introducing heroes like Black Canary, Firestorm, Vixen, and even the Flash have only helped to increase viewership and benefit the Arrowverse as a whole, and the same can be done for Black Lightning.