As with most things found on the internet, the subject quickly divided viewers with some agreeing with Kelley over the inappropriateness due to the setting, and others finding his outburst itself equally inappropriate and disrespectful to the other parties present. As attention gained Kelley himself responded to the now-viral video, in an attempt to add context to what led to the outburst and to double-down on his views.
There are always two sides to a story and in this situation, the blame lies with all parties involved. Primarily as the owner Kelley shoulders the majority of blame as he failed to exhibit the professionalism that he so loudly demanded in his establishment. No one is above losing their temper, and regardless of how nicely he previously addressed the party as the owner, he had the authority and right to ask them to leave. Also as seen with the division of support, his outburst asleep risked alienating visiting and future patrons. As for the party of attendees, their blame lies in not respecting Kelley or the business after his initial contact with them.
Who do you think was wrong? After seeing the video would you ever