Meanings vs Impressions

I’m sure a lot of people have heard the story the black college student and his Confederate flag, but for those of you who haven’t let me catch you up on what you’ve missed:
Byron Thomas is a freshman at the University of South Carolina Beaufort who in an attempt of self-expression hung the Confederate Flag inside his dorm room. Initially the school, who became concerned after student complaints, notified Thomas that he could not hang the flag as it went against conduct codes; Something Thomas didn’t take well.

Fortunately the school has permitted Thomas to keep his flag but the debate still persists, is the Confederate flag a symbol of Racism or has it become something more??? 
“It symbolized SLAVERY not pride, the south wanted to keep slaves and the economic advantage the gave them over the north, the dirty truth is that the CIVIL WAR was fought about money not people, and there is no pride in that, it is plain class warfare!!!!
As someone from South Carolina I just want to point out that the Confederate flag is something commonly seen throughout the state, especially where I'm from. His belief and impression of the flag is exactly what had the flag flying over our State House for so long. I know what the Flag stands/stood for to some people, but I also know that anyone can form their own impression of something.
As Blacks I believe we, some of us, have perfected the art of taking something negative and derogatory and transforming it into something positive. I'm not saying that I'm going out to purchase a Confederate flag, but I do can't knock him for his choice. 
The issue of the symbolism of the Confederate flag depends upon the person. Thomas sees it as Southern Pride and to a certain extent and can be attributed to that but also let’s not forget that the flag was raised as a symbol of unity in the fight to uphold the institution of slavery; a rejection of unity and advancement as people. Are people ultra sensitive about the flag, yes! Should they be? Well like impressions that should be left up to the individual.